Chesterfield Montessori School

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the questions we hear most often about the admission process.

  • What does it mean that CMS is an “authentic” Montessori School?

    All aspects of our school’s education and operations are designed to be respectful of children and to fulfill children’s needs for holistic development. All of our teachers are trained by the Association Montessori Internationale. Our classrooms have all of the scientifically developed Montessori materials, and we adhere to the guidelines of the AMI, including allowing children ample opportunity for uninterrupted concentration.

  • Are the benefits of Montessori education long term?

    Yes, children at CMS develop a great love for learning, and they are focused. CMS graduates go on to prestigious schools and careers; many graduates attribute their success to their time at CMS, where they developed the curiosity, solid work habits and collaboration skills that last a lifetime.

  • What will I see when I visit the school?

    When you visit, you will have an opportunity to tour our campus and see children at work and play throughout the school. Our mixed-age classrooms are set up quite differently from traditional classrooms. The teacher is not at the front of the room, but rather moves throughout the room, giving lessons to individual children or small groups. Independent and collaborative work creates a busy hum of activity as children engage in a variety of different activities, each of which is designed to build a specific skill. Allow about 45 minutes to one hour for your visit.

  • Is part-time enrollment available at CMS?

    Consistent routines offer young children feelings of security and safety. With predictable daily routines, children feel comfortable quickly and can begin to learn and flourish at school. For this reason, AMI schools, such as Chesterfield Montessori School, offer part-time enrollment for the Toddler and Primary Programs in the form of 1/2 days, from 8 AM to 11:30 AM, five days a week. As your child wakes each weekday, they will know all that comes next, and you will find eventual ease in morning routines.

  • What opportunities are there to get involved and contribute to the school?

    CMS benefits from the involvement and support of the parent community, and there are many opportunities for parents to contribute. These include joining the parent social committee, becoming a parent mentor, helping with purposeful field trips for the elementary students, assisting teachers with making materials and accompanying children to the symphony. Learn more about family invovlement here

    CMS has an annual fundraising campaign, the Pink Tower Campaign, which raises money to support a number of initiatives for the benefit of children. For more information on the Pink Tower Campaign, click here.

  • Does CMS follow a private school calendar?

    CMS follows a traditional private school calendar. All of our programs are five days per week. 

    • For information about options for extended care before and after school, click here
  • Is there a hot lunch program available at CMS?

    Yes, CMS has a catered lunch program available. This lunch is available every school day, and is paid for separately. The lunches are tasty and healthy, and are prepared as part of a “farm to school” philosophy, using largely locally grown food. Contact the school for more information.

  • My child is highly allergic to nuts - can CMS make an accommodation?

    We are a nut-free school and have been for several years. There are no nuts served at school, and our lunch program is nut free. We also ask that all parents refrain from sending food with nuts to the school including in their children’s lunches.

  • How can I learn more about Montessori education?

    Montessori education is a mixed-age, child-oriented, hands-on approach to education, first developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, starting in 1907. The education is non-departmentalized, and provides an opportunity for children to follow their interests and experience uninterrupted concentration. Below is a list of resources for further information:

  • Want more information? Read our blog posts!

    Here at CMS, we offer several “Montessori Evenings for Parents” events throughout the school year. These evenings offer an opportunity for parents to learn about the Montessori method of teaching from our own teachers, as well as from national and international experts in the field.

    About once each month, parents can join our head of school for a “Morning Coffee.” These informal events include discussion of Montessori education, and, occasionally, an actual demonstration of lessons and materials by the children.

    Of course, one of the best ways to learn about Montessori education is to observe a classroom in action. We encourage both current and prospective parents to visit the classrooms to see the dynamic, purposeful learning that takes place every day in a peaceful, respectful atmosphere. 

    Learn more about  our Admissions Process

Questions to ask on your next school tour

Enjoy this free flyer that suggests helpful questions as you explore school options for your child. With any school you may visit, we hope this helps you gain insight on where will be the best environment for your family.

11 Questions to Ask on Any School Tour
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