As faculty, staff, parents, guardians and students, we co-create the CMS community through our daily choices and interactions. We commit to care for and treat each other with respect and compassion. We assume positive intent. We take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. We look for the best in each other and in our school. We are open-minded, solution-oriented, and collaborative. When we see something that needs improvement, or just a little love and attention, we act on it.
Most importantly, we share the belief that every child has enormous and unique potential. In that belief, we partner in supporting our students so they may graduate CMS with a solid record of academic achievement, a belief in the dignity of work, and a sense of responsibility for their own development as happy and productive human beings.
Chesterfield Montessori School is committed to maintaining and nurturing the natural curiosity and love of learning within each child. We educate according to Dr. Montessori’s philosophy, recognizing children as the central figures in their own development.
Our teachers serve as resources, guides, and observers in the children’s individual process of learning. This is why you will often hear teachers refer to themselves as “Guides.” Teachers are not the center of the classroom; the children are the central focus of our work, and their developmental needs direct the flow of the classroom. Each child is regarded with respect and dignity and is encouraged to learn at the pace that is best for them.
In this atmosphere, children experience:
Graduates of Chesterfield Montessori School leave prepared to enter the next phase of their education, carrying with them:
In interactions with the administrative staff, parents can expect:
The Head of School, together with the Board of Trustees and Administration, strive to make mission-driven decisions embodying good stewardship and responsible management. We aim to maintain open, honest, timely, and respectful communications with parents about their children and the school community.
This handbook provides an understanding of the procedures and policies of Chesterfield Montessori School. Familiarity with our policies and procedures will strengthen the partnership between parents and school and assist in providing the best possible environment for children.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Chesterfield Montessori School serves children between the ages of 16 months and Grade 8. Our programs are as follows:
Toddler Community 16 – 36 months (admission between 16 and 22 months)
Primary 2.5 years – Kindergarten
Elementary 1st Grade – 6th Grade
Adolescent 7th Grade - 8th Grade
Class size and original classroom placement of children is determined by the administration after consultation with the teachers. Next level placement is determined by administrators and lead teachers based upon several factors, including space availability. Parental requests will be considered but final determination is made by the administration, after meeting with lead teachers and parents as needed. Each student’s enrollment is subject to the rules and policies of Chesterfield Montessori School, as interpreted by the Head of School.
Upon the teacher's recommendation, a child is eligible for admission to kindergarten if they reach the age of five before August 1st of the school year beginning in that calendar year. Kindergarten at CMS is full day, five days a week, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Children whose sixth birthday is before August 1st are usually considered old enough to transition from Primary to Elementary.
Chesterfield Montessori School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school. Chesterfield Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in administration and educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, schooladministered programs, or hiring practices.
CMS uses Brightwheel as a tool for classroom management, communication, admissions, and much more at CMS. It is a time-saving tool that is 100% free for you. We are already seeing how Brightwheel is making things quicker and easier at our school, while also delivering a much better experience for parents.
Upon enrolling at CMS and before your child's first day of school, you'll receive instrucations for creating parent Brightwheel accounts, updating your child’s profile, their school forms, and adding all approved pickups and emergency contacts.
We also use Brightwheel to assist with drop-off and pick-up. All parents, gaurdians and approved pick-up contacts will need to have the Brightwheel app downloaded and be able to sign into their account in order to answer health screening questions and to check the student in and out each day.
Doors open at 8:00 AM for the school day.
Full Day Hours: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Half-Day Hours: 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Extended-Day Hours: 7:30 AM – 7:50 AM & 3:00 - 5:30 PM
Students are considered tardy if they are not at school by 8:10 AM. Please arrive on time so your child has the best start to their day. Late arrivals are not only difficult for the individual; they are also disruptive to the whole class in general.
Please note that the office staff are busy in the early morning greeting the children, getting the children to their classrooms, and connecting with the teachers. If you arrive after 8:10 AM, it may take a few minutes for staff to complete their drop off duties and come upstairs to the door. If you do not receive an answer when you first ring the bell, please wait a few minutes and try again. We will come to the front door and let your child in at our first opportunity.
Office Hours (School Year)**
8:45 AM - 4:00 PM Monday-Thursday
8:45 AM - 3:30 PM Friday
*Office staff arrive between 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM. The administration is focused on preparation for the school day and drop off between 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM. Parents may enter the building for scheduled appointments and observations beginning at 8:45 AM. You may send a Brightwheel message if your child is running late or absent.
**During summer, office staff arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 and the office closes at 3:15.
(Please also see details regarding drop off and pickup according to your child’s age)
Firm Dismissal Times:
Please note that the Dismissal times are firm, as our faculty and staff have other commitments. We appreciate you respecting the many responsibilities our employees are managing.
Our Extended Day employees leave at 5:30 PM, so children should be out the door by those times.
Show ID:
For Pick-up, even if your family has been at the school for many years, please be prepared to show your ID for the first week or so, or until all of the staff know you on sight. Each year we hire some new staff, including substitutes who are less familiar with the families and caregivers at first. Anyone who picks up your child should be prepared to show their ID, even if they are listed on the authorized list.
Safety is our first priority. Please be mindful that during Drop-off and Pick-up times, children, who may be less aware of moving vehicles, are making their way through the driveway and parking lot. In addition, we ask for patience, care, and consideration of others. All parents are juggling numerous responsibilities and schedules.
Drive only on the correct side of the driveway (do not pass the stationary line of cars to enter the parking lot).
If your child needs additional attention at Drop-off, please park in the lot rather than the line. Do not leave your car unattended in the line for any reason. Similarly, at Pick up, remain in your car unless you are buckling your children into their seats.
When parking, avoid obstructing the pathway in the lot so that cars may move freely. Do not park against the curb.
Again, for safety and unobstructed traffic flow, please stay in your car when waiting in line. If you would like to speak at length with a teacher at the end of the day, park and walk to the gate. Please be sure to safely secure your children once they have entered your vehicle. Our staff may not buckle children into the car.
For morning drop-off, please park in the back lot, take your child out of the car and walk with them through the back gate to your child’s classroom (parents do not enter the room). Only CMS staff are allowed in the building during drop off.
Be sure to check your child in via Brightwheel with the QR code, either from your car or with codes posted near the doors.
Please allow your child to walk themselves to the classroom (instead of carrying them), as this promotes independence and makes it easier to let go of the parent. Say good-bye to your child outside the classroom door. A teacher will greet your child at the door so they can walk in, without the parent. This makes separation quicker and easier and is less of a distraction to children who are working.
For afternoon pick-up, please be present to your child and the staff during dismissal— remain off the phone or other devices so that you may greet your child and receive messages from staff if necessary.
Extended Day - Morning
7:30 – 7:55 AM
Morning Drop Off
8:00 – 8:10 AM
Please note, if you arrive after 8:10 AM, please pull around to the front of the building and ring the doorbell. We will bring your child to their classroom.
Half Day Dismissal
11:30 AM
Full Day Dismissal
3:00 PM
Extended Day - PM (pick-up during this time frame)
3:00 – 5:30 PM
At regular morning drop off starting at 8 AM, CMS Staff greet students at their cars in the rear circular drive, and they will help guide them to walk independently to their classrooms. Please do not go past the gate unless you are also accompanying a Toddler child to their classroom. Short, sweet goodbyes go more smoothly. Parents may not accompany a child into their classroom because this is disruptive to the other children and prolongs drop-off, which creates anxiety. Only CMS staff are allowed in the building during drop off.
Be sure to check your child in via Brightwheel with the QR code, either from your car or the codes posted near the doors.
At afternoon pick-up, please be present to your child and the staff during dismissal—remain off the phone or other devices so that you may greet your child and receive messages from staff if necessary.
Extended Day - AM
7:30 – 7:50 AM
Please note, if you arrive after 7:50, wait until 8:00 AM and allow your child to come in for regular drop-off.
Morning Drop Off
8:00 – 8:10 AM
Please note, if you arrive after 8:10 AM, please pull around to the front of the building and ring the doorbell. We will bring your child to their classroom.
Half Day Dismissal
11:30 AM
Full Day Dismissal
3:00 – 3:10 PM
Primary Extended Day - PM (pick up during this time frame)
3:15 – 5:30 PM
During regular morning drop-off starting at 8 AM, students will be greeted in their cars at the driveway near the Elementary doors, located just past the front circle driveway. Once parents have checked in via the Brightwheel App, students may exit their cars and walk through the Elementary doors to their classroom. Only CMS staff are allowed in the building during drop off.
For afternoon pick-up, students will be dismissed from the Elementary doors. If you also have children in Toddler or Primary Program, please pick up your younger child first and then come to the front circle to retrieve your Elementary child.
Elementary Extended Day – Morning
7:30 – 7:50 AM
Please note, if you arrive after 7:50, wait until 8:00 AM and allow your child to come in for regular drop-off.
Elementary Morning Drop-Off
8:00 – 8:10 AM
Please note, if you arrive after 8:10 AM, please pull around to the front of the building and ring the doorbell. We will bring your child to their classroom.
Elementary Afternoon Dismissal
3:10 – 3:15
Elementary Extended Day - Afternoon (pick up during this time frame)
3:15 – 5:30 PM
Attendance is of utmost importance. If your child is going to be absent due to illness, please notify the school via Brightwheel.
In the event of a planned absence (travel, medical/dental appointments), please notify the school in writing (Brightwheel notice is acceptable). Brightwheel messages are also helpful when there is an early departure from school or a change in who will take your child to/from school. The person picking up must present an ID to staff members. Unidentified persons will not be permitted to take a child away from school.
Early Pickup
If you need to pick up your child prior to the regular dismissal time, you must notify the school in advance. When you arrive, please call the front desk, and a staff member will retrieve your child from the classroom. Napping children must be picked up before Noon or after 2:30 to avoid disturbing other children who are sleeping. Napping children may not be retrieved between Noon and 2:30 PM.
Effect of Extensive Absences:
In order for CMS to provide the highest quality education for your child, it is imperative that a student’s attendance is consistent. Excessive absences may result in mandatory doctor’s notes, a meeting with the Head of School, and possible dismissal. Early pick-up for private lessons outside of school is strongly discouraged, as it is against school policy and causes scheduling issues and disruption for the other children in the classroom.
Weather Closures
School closings/late starts due to inclement weather will continue to be announced via our Text Alert System. To opt in to receive alerts, text the keyword CMS to the number 833-312-1386 from your cell phone to receive urgent messages from the school.
Emergency cancellations can also be found on TV News Channels 2, 4 and 5; however, that information is not always updated in a timely manner, so please rely on the text alerts. If closing during the school day becomes necessary, we will send a text message through the Text Alert System asking for your child to be picked up early.
A few times throughout the school year, there will be days where CMS closes at 11:30 AM. Those days include: Grandfriends’ Day, Holidays Around The World, and the Last Day of School. The office will send out reminders over Brightwheel and mention it in advance in the Weekly notes.
On Half-Days CMS does not serve lunch.
Families should keep children at home if they have any symptoms of active illness, or if they have experienced any of these symptoms in the past 24 hours:
If your child has tested negative for COVID and has been cleared by a doctor to attend school because their nasal discharge, cough or shortness of breath are related to allergies or are lingering symptoms of an illness that is no longer contagious, they may return to school. Please contact the office to report this.
Allergy-related respiratory symptoms must be noted by a physician in the child’s file, on the school health form or via another form of documentation. Children with any communicable illness, including a rash, may be asked for a doctor’s note before returning to school.
Emergency Preparedness
Our staff is trained in emergency response for a variety of situations. All safety drills with the children are conducted with sensitivity and care, emphasizing the need to provide for their safety in a calm and timely manner.
The following payment options are available for Primary through Elementary (Please note that the Toddler tuition is always paid monthly):
Late Fees
Activity/Supply Fee
A non-refundable activity and material fee of $150 applies to Elementary students. The program deposits the fees into a special bank account managed by the students with the supervision of the faculty. At the discretion of the students and teachers, the money is used for various class activities and supplies.
All Toddler and Primary supplies and most supplies for Elementary students are provided by the school.
Late Pick-Up Fee
A fee of $20 per child is assessed for the first fifteen minutes for late pick-up. An additional charge of $1.00 per minute will accrue for time beyond the first fifteen minutes. An invoice will be e-mailed.
Like most private, accredited schools, CMS has an enrollment agreement that acts as a binding contract for the school year. That contract, along with the parent school partnership agreement governs the relationship between the school and the family.
The Administration thinks of the enrollment contract as a one-year partnership between a child’s guardians and the school. The contract allows the school to build its budget and engage in hiring to support the needs of the children it expects to have on campus. Additionally, the contract and the parent-school partnership agreement help facilitate a commitment that the parents and school will work together for the benefit of the child.
All students are enrolled provisionally. After the child’s first four weeks in the school, parents of new children will be given the opportunity to consult with their child’s teacher regarding their adjustment to our program and to the school.
Chesterfield Montessori School reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student (1) who fails to perform current schoolwork at an acceptable level; (2) whose behavior or lack of cooperation is deemed unacceptable; (3) whose family fails to cooperate with CMS; or (4) whose tuition payments are past due.
It is highly unusual for a family to be asked to leave the school during the school year. When it does happen, it is for one of these reasons:
It is the policy of Chesterfield Montessori School that staff members do not enter into any financial agreement with CMS families, such as babysitting or any other paid service, unless such agreements existed prior to the enrollment at the school, or the staff member’s employment at CMS. The only exception to this is school-approved extracurricular programs offered at CMS.
Illness or Accident
Please do not send your child to school with symptoms of illness. Keeping sick children at home is the most effective way to present the spread of viruses and infections.
If your child has a symptom that is related to something other than a transmissible infection, and they feel well enough to come to school, please send a Brightwheel message to let us know (e.g. allergy symptoms, sinus infection). If your child becomes ill at school, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child as soon as possible. Children must be free of these symptoms without medication for a 24-hour time period before returning to school. We encourage frequent handwashing at school, and the building is cleaned each evening.
If your child contracts any communicable illness, including but not limited to: Chicken Pox, Strep Throat; Lice; Hand Foot and Mouth Disease; Gastrointestinal Virus; Conjunctivitis; COVID-19; Croup, etc., please notify the school as soon possible in order for us to alert other parents.
We will again do our best to avoid requiring masks at school this year. There may be periods where certain individuals or classrooms may need to mask. Additionally, we may temporarily require masks at the advice of our BJC/Washington University physicians based on data coming out of schools. Since the data at this point shows that most children acquire COVID-19 via household transmission, we hope that this will not be necessary.
Masks are always an option for children or staff to protect themselves or others from acquiring COVID-19 or another illness.
Lice Policy
Students found with lice/nits will be sent home for treatment. Please see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for treatment information.
Once treated, the student can return to school the next day and will be re-checked one week later.
Medication Forms
A Medication Authorization Form is available in the office for parents to fill in medication doses and times for both prescription and over-the-counter medicines. This form is available electronically as well. Medications will not be administered at school until the medication has been given previously for 24 hours at home. Only medicines with the original pharmacy labels will be administered. Once the Medical Authorization Form has been completed, please give the medicine and the form to the teacher’s assistant or the front office. All medication, including over-the counter medicines, will be administered by an adult.
For children with allergies, please provide an Allergy Action Plan and up-to-date EpiPens. The school will return expired Epi-Pens at the end of the year.
In the case of an accident or sudden illness, every effort will be made to notify you. It is imperative that the emergency contact information on the Parent Authorization Form remains current. A first aid kit is available in the office. For more serious injuries, we will call 911, if necessary, for immediate attention.
Smoke and Weapon Free
Chesterfield Montessori School is a smoke-free campus. Weapons of any kind are not permissible on the premises.
CMS will not tolerate harassment based on sex (with or without sexual conduct), because of an individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, or disability directed toward any member of its community. Anyone engaging in unacceptable conduct will be notified and appropriate action will be taken where warranted. Where appropriate, action will be taken as to any person engaged in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, up to and including termination. The school will act to promptly investigate all complaints of unlawful harassment or unlawful discrimination.
Sleep, Nutrition and Technology
We encourage you to ensure your child receives a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast. A well-rested, well fed child has the stamina and energy needed to make the most of the school day.
It is also important to consider the impact of phones, tablets, computers, and media on children’s daily lives. Technology has given our society so many useful tools, conveniences, and forms of entertainment. At the same time, there is growing evidence that the use of screens by young children negatively impacts children’s intellectual growth, focus and behavior. Children’s increasing reliance on technology is also interfering with fine motor development and preventing them from engaging in outdoor activities, reading, and creating. For these reasons, our students spend part of most days outside. Once they are able, they read constantly, and they also use their hands throughout the day, working with scientifically designed Montessori materials, as well as exploring, writing, creating, drawing, and building. Furthermore, the children do not begin using computers at school until the Elementary years. We strongly encourage families to consider delaying the introduction of technology. Waiting to introduce screens does not put the children behind their peers in the STEM fields; in fact, many of our students go on to become scientists and engineers.
The following charts are useful for determining bedtimes and offer guidance in what technology to offer children, at certain ages. If you would like suggestions for how to fill your children’s time and keep them entertained without technology, your child’s teacher would be delighted to share age-appropriate suggestions.
CMS has a catered lunch program available provided by Nourish Foods. The lunches are tasty and healthy, and are prepared as part of a “farm to school” philosophy, using largely locally grown food.
This lunch is available every school day, and is paid for separately for the Primary and Elementary Programs. Lunches and snacks are included in the regular tuition for Toddlers enrolled in the Full Day or Extended Day program. Students in Primary and Elementary may choose to bring lunch from home.
Registrations and details are provided upon enrollment. Payment is on a monthly, semester or full school year basis.
For students who bring a packed lunch:
The children’s work at school is directly affected by the nutritional quality of their meals. We suggest homemade lunches consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables, and whole foods containing a minimum of additives. For environmental reasons, we recommend that all contents of the lunch be packaged in re-usable containers. Lunch needs to be carried in a lunch box that is easy to open.
Primary-aged children are more than capable of preparing their lunch each day, with a little adult support to provide nutritious and well-balanced choices. We recommend having your child pack their lunch the night before.
Lunches from home should be self-contained to remain cold or hot as desired—children don’t have access to refrigerators or microwaves.
Toddler: Snacks are provided. Teachers will occasionally ask families to bring a bouquet of flowers for flower arranging. The children delight in sharing flowers with their class.
Primary and Lower Elementary: Each family will be asked to bring weekly snack supplies once each semester. This gives your child an opportunity to experience the excitement of finding items on the class list provided by the school at the grocery store, and then to assist the adults in preparing the items in the classroom. Your child’s teacher will contact you ahead of time to make these arrangements. (We encourage you to shop with your child, even if it is an online delivery experience, so they can help choose the snack). The teachers will help children with any necessary preparation such as washing the fruit, cutting, etc. The children take pride in being able to provide a special snack for their classroom.
Upper Elementary: Students need to bring a nutritious morning snack such as cheese and crackers, veggies, fresh fruit, etc.
To promote health consciousness and to protect our children with allergies, CMS is a candy and nut-free school. Please do not send snacks or lunch items with nuts or nut products, including peanut butter. Also, please avoid giving your children food with nuts in the car on the way to school in the morning, as residual oils could impact another student. Sun butter or soy nut butter are appropriate alternatives. Please practice caution when you volunteer to drive children on an outing and be aware that some children’s allergies to nuts are so severe that even small traces of nuts can trigger an allergic reaction. Thank you for considering the safety of all the children in our community.
Please send all extra clothing and supplies labeled with your child’s name, in paper bags or other disposable containers. No backpacks should come to school.
Please label ALL your child’s belongings. Toddler and Primary children often need to change clothes. Teachers and assistants have many responsibilities and are unable to accurately track unlabeled items.
Toddler and Primary children need to bring three complete extra sets of labeled, seasonally appropriate clothing, including underwear and socks, to have on hand in case a change is needed. Elementary children need one or two complete sets.
Prepared to Go Outside
Students will spend a part of each day outdoors, even when it is raining, snowing or cold, so please be sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather. Please send your child only with items they will need at school such as wipes, LABELED extra clothing etc. (no toys), in a reusable plastic grocery bag.
We encourage the use of the outdoor environment as much as possible. Please have your child dress appropriately. Weather permitting and at the teacher’s discretion, children will go outside. Some work will be done outside when the weather permits. Even on days when it is rainy or quite cold, the children will go outside for walks as long as it is safe to do so under American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.
Therefore, it is critical that your child have appropriate rain/cold/snow gear to put on at school: boots, hats, gloves, raincoats, and a change of clothes in case they become wet.
Comfortable Clothing
Much of the Montessori work is done on mats on the floor. Students’ clothing should be comfortable and give freedom of movement. We request that they do not wear tight, inflexible pants, and that girls wear shorts under short skirts and dresses. It is also important to remember that some school projects can be messy. Please consider this when school outfit choices are made. All children should also have “indoor shoes” at school. These will be for classroom use only and should be simple for a child to slip on and off themselves. Natives are recommended for Toddler and Primary children. Elementary children should bring comfortable gym shoes with nonmarking soles.
All school clothing should be appropriate to the child’s level of growth and independence. Buttons, snaps, and zippers should be on the front of the clothing and easily manipulated so that the child can handle all inner and outer clothing with ease. Crocs and similar shoes that do not properly support the foot are not allowed as these may inhibit independent movement.
Not Permitted at CMS
The Lost & Found drawer is located at the front desk. Whenever the drawer is full, the remaining items are donated, after notice in the Weekly Notes.
We would like to celebrate your child’s special day in a meaningful way. We ask that you coordinate the birthday celebration with your child’s teacher.
Please be sensitive to the feelings of the children by sending invitations to birthday parties through the mail, rather than giving them out at school. Additionally, please do not bring birthday gifts or cards to school. To preserve their free weekends, teachers will not be able to accept birthday invitations.
The cornerstone of the discipline policy at CMS is the Montessori approach to education. The peaceful environment and compassionate staff at our school allow for the development, primarily, of self discipline. This model of personal responsibility, based on a respect for self and others, is fostered by the example of adults, a strong sense of community and an atmosphere of respect.
At the Primary level, discipline is mostly a matter of behavior management. Our AMI Montessori trained staff is experienced at re-directing children’s behavior through engaging children’s interest. Mixed-age classrooms provide opportunities for older children to serve as role models for younger children by promoting and maintaining a peaceful classroom environment. Conflict resolution and problem solving are part of the Montessori curriculum, as are lessons in Grace and Courtesy. Logical consequences ensue when children demonstrate that they are not yet ready for a particular level of freedom. Most children will quickly adjust to the expectations of appropriate classroom behavior. Parents are contacted in case of repeated misbehavior or a single serious incident.
Building on our work in Primary, the approach to discipline at the levels is proactive and centers on the connection between freedom and responsibility. The Montessori approach develops self discipline through an environment that encourages and expects honesty, courtesy, respect for self and others, responsibility, resourcefulness, good judgment, acceptance, and the development of caring relationships. Day today classroom rules establish a clear and consistent standard for personal discipline. Freedom is limited for children demonstrating that they are not yet prepared or responsible enough to honor and appropriately exercise that freedom.
Based on their developmental level, students are encouraged to peacefully resolve issues with their peers under adult supervision. Children learn that any inappropriate behavioral choices will result in logical consequences. Any issues will first be addressed within the classroom by the students, the adults, and peers. Repeated misbehavior or behaviors of a more serious nature will result in communication with the parents. These behaviors include, but are not limited to, communicating in a malicious manner, abusing, harassing, deliberately intimidating, or physically harming another person, displaying any form of racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious prejudice, lying, stealing, and vandalizing. Students committing any of these offenses will be addressed by the student’s teacher, parents, and the Head of School at a conference as soon as possible. Parents will receive an Incident Report through Brightwheel, which will also be included in the student’s file. Several courses of action will be discussed, which may include a recommendation for counseling, student probation, suspension, or expulsion for serious offences. Discussions will be limited to the parties involved. The reporting party (if any) will be notified that the incident has been investigated, and the results will be shared where appropriate and legally possible. CMS respects the privacy of our children and families, and some aspects of incident investigations and consequences may remain confidential.
Parental input is vital to a child’s success with navigating conflict resolution. We welcome and encourage parental observations and urge parents to share any concerns as soon as they arise. We ask that a child’s or a family’s privacy be considered while discussing an incident with anyone other than the classroom teacher or the administration.
Children are human beings, and we do not expect them to be perfect. A certain amount of silliness, conflict with friends, unkind words, and even hurtful physical contact is a normal part of them learning how to interact socially.
Sometimes, however, we notice patterns of behavior that do not respond to redirection and individualized approaches over time. We might also see that a child is not progressing academically the way we would expect. These may be signs that additional medical or therapeutic support is needed, and communicating our professional observations and recommendations to families is a critical part of the teachers’ and administrators’ roles. If a child’s behavior is regularly and negatively affecting other children in the classroom, then we work with parents to find the right interventions to support both the individual child and their classmates.
The teachers are developmental experts, but we also get input from all adults who work with a child. The Head of School will observe the child at the teacher’s request, in addition to the observations they perform regularly. The teacher may ask a colleague to observe as well. Sometimes the Administration consults with AMI trainers. By the time we ask a family to seek outside support, we have tried a variety of approaches without consistent success. At that point, we need more support to ensure the welfare not only of that child, but in some cases, the other children in the school.
We realize some families are already stretched to cover tuition. We work with parents to find resources within their budget. We also open our doors to many types of outside therapists to make getting help more convenient for families.
COVID has only exacerbated what educators around the world are seeing: increasing numbers of children with learning differences, behavior challenges, and mental health struggles. Ultimately, our commitment is to ensure each child has what they need to realize their potential. Sometimes, this will necessitate outside experts.
Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that an environment scientifically designed to allow freedom and encourage responsibility revealed children’s essential personalities. Dr. Montessori believed that children who develop in this way are the foundation for the realization of human potential and world peace. However, Dr. Montessori noted that many children lack the basic conditions for life that would allow them to express their innate possibilities. This lack of access to resources results in what Montessorians have called “the fundamental unfreedom.”
At CMS, we are engaged in the ongoing work of understanding how Dr. Montessori’s teachings inform our approaches to equity, justice, and inclusion issues for both our students and our staff. Even when basic resources are available, our inherited cultural biases can and do inhibit the realization of potential. Indeed, Dr. Montessori wrote that her method was designed “to deliver the human personality from the oppression of age-old prejudices.” At our school, we are exploring how to apply that understanding not only with the children, but in the way we operate the school to support the faculty and staff.
In the classroom, we follow Dr. Montessori’s teachings to encourage peace and mutual respect through the prepared environment. Our students experience the respect we have for them through:
These experiences, along with the myriad benefits inherent in a multi-age classroom, also cultivate interdependence, empathy, and respect for others and the environment. These mind-expanding lessons and the children’s developmental stage of acquiring moral awareness through social interaction lead organically to discussions of equity and justice. Children become aware of how their words and actions impact other people.
As an international school, we are fortunate to have diversity built into our student body. Our families represent myriad nations, multiple languages, and six continents. Our parent community comes from different socio-economic levels and educational backgrounds. Because the students befriend and work with children who come from a variety of cultures and life experiences, they celebrate the gifts that unique perspectives bring to our community.
We have worked to enhance our diversity by becoming a MOSAIC Ambassador school (The St. Louis Mosaic Project is a regional initiative that aims to make St. Louis welcoming to families from other countries). We have also intentionally expanded our classroom libraries to include books that represent our children and their families.
Staff training in DEI work is ongoing. One important aspect of staff training is that incidents involving bias are reported directly and immediately to the Head of School, who works in collaboration with the classroom teacher and families to determine the optimal way to respond considering the situation and the developmental stage of the children involved.
Access to education for people with disabilities is another equity and justice issue. Like most schools, we have noticed an uptick of neurological differences in our student body. Authentic Montessori education is also well-suited to empowering people with disabilities to be successful. While we cannot accommodate every need because our classrooms are not designed for one-on one support, throughout the day, our individualized approach, along with hands-on materials designed to enhance brain development, can be life-changing for people with different learning styles.
All DEI staff training and parent communication is rooted in our Mission and our Montessori approach. Dr. Montessori believed that adult bias was the greatest obstacle to children realizing their potential. Therefore, our approach to Diversity, Equity and Justice does not arise out of a particular political orientation. Rather, it aims to transcend the heightened tensions and polarization so prevalent in our society to create a space for families and staff to grow together. While recent events have stressed the urgency of exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion more deeply and systemically, our work in this area arises out of the vision Dr. Montessori shared with the world 100 years ago.
“True peace suggests the triumph of justice and love among men; it reveals the existence of a better world where harmony reigns. Preventing conflict is the working of politics; establishing peace is the work of education. Education is the best weapon for peace.”
~Dr. Maria Montessori
Communication between parents and the school may take place via:
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice a year; please refer to the school calendar for conference dates. An announcement will go out via Brightwheel prior to conferences letting you know when you can schedule your conference. Conferences are an important part of the partnership between families and the school. Both parents are encouraged to attend. There is no school or Break Care on Conference Days; however, childcare will be provided during your child’s scheduled conference time.
In addition to scheduled conferences, teachers will be in regular contact with each family via email, phone or in-person communication in addition to Parent Teacher Conferences, Conference Reports and Parent Days. Families are also encouraged to reach out to teachers with concerns or questions.
The office staff will check Brightwheel off and on throughout the day. If you have a time-sensitive message, calling the school is best. If you don’t receive an answer (this is highly unusual during office hours), leave a voicemail and follow up with an email or Brightwheel message).
The teachers are happy to receive phone calls at school between 3:15-4:00 PM on most school days if you have questions or concerns you would like to address. If you would prefer to schedule a meeting at the school or over Teams, your child’s teacher will be happy to arrange that on a mutually convenient school day between 3:15 PM and 4:00 PM, or during naptime for Toddler teachers.
Calls placed to the teachers before 3:15 PM will be directed to their voicemail, and the messages will be retrieved at the end of the school day. Teachers will respond as soon as possible. Teachers check their emails and Brightwheel messages on most school days. However, depending on the age of the children they serve and the needs of the classrooms, many teachers are unable to check their email during class time, and they often have parent meetings immediately after school. Therefore, if an issue needs to be addressed promptly, please call or message the school office. You may reach the entire office staff on Brightwheel or
Note: CMS policy restricts teachers and classroom staff from connecting to students or families through online social networking. Teachers and staff are not to share their cell phone numbers with parents. Please avoid contacting teachers and staff at home or on their cell phones. Our teachers give 110% every day, and they love your children. To protect our employees’ personal time and ensure that they arrive fresh and ready to serve your children during the school day, we ask that any concerns you have about a student be handled by calling the school, sending a message to the staff member’s school email address or Brightwheel, or having a conference at school. We recognize that many of our teachers and staff have children who are students here; for that reason, you may have their personal phone numbers to arrange playdates, etc. However, we ask that you never text or call any CMS employees on their personal cell phone to discuss their school responsibilities.
We appreciate the value of your time and talent and welcome your participation throughout the year. We have an active and involved parent community that we would love for you to be a part of. Please view your CMS Weekly Notes for information regarding parent volunteer opportunities, or
Montessori education for our parents is ongoing at Chesterfield Montessori School. More information about the schedule and content of these events will be sent out throughout the school year and will also be reflected on the school’s online calendar. Parent events are an excellent way to deepen your understanding of the Montessori philosophy which will, in turn, create a more consistent community for your child between home and school.
Parent Visits
We are delighted to welcome parents into the building, by appointment, between 8:45 AM and 4:00 PM, for observation in the classroom, and/or conferences with teachers or administrators.
Event Reminders
To help keep you updated with school news, reminders and calendar events, CMS Weekly Notes will be sent by email on Sunday morning each week during the school year. Additionally, the calendar and other important documents will be available via Brightwheel. Please be sure that the school has a current email for each parent. If you are not receiving the CMS Weekly Notes, please check your email’s spam/junk folder and then, if you are unable to find it, please inform the school so we can be sure we have the correct email in our system. You are also welcome to check the online calendar and the CMS Parent Facebook Group for event reminders.
CMS takes pride in the high quality of teaching and the strong work that the children do in our classrooms. We highly encourage every parent to come once per semester to observe your child’s work and learning environment.
Please make an appointment to observe at least one week in advance. We will provide you with a set of guidelines to help you get the most out of your time here. Please do not photograph, videotape, or use any sort of electronic device during your observation. To give children ample time to adjust to their new classroom, teachers, classmates and routine, observations start six weeks into the school year. In addition, observations are not scheduled during the final month of school to accommodate our many year-end activities. Observations begin at 8:45 AM so that the children have a chance to move fully into their work before visitors arrive.
CMS is a not-for-profit organization that benefits from the generosity of our school community. Annual giving (also known as the “Pink Tower Campaign”) is integral to the fulfillment of our mission to maintain the highest standard of an authentic Montessori education, which in turn allows us to continue to expand the learning opportunities for your children while keeping CMS tuition one of the lower independent, ISACS-accredited school tuitions in the St. Louis area. During the school year, you will receive information about annual giving opportunities. Our goal is 100% family, staff, and board participation.