This is an adult only event and no child care will be available. RSVP to or call 314-469-7150
Every day, CMS children enter a learning environment uniquely designed to fit their educational, social, and intrinsic needs. The Montessori Day of Discovery at CMS offers an opportunity to experience your child's current classroom community and also understand the connections between your child's work in all of the different Montessori environments. Your Journey will offer you personal discoveries as you explore each classroom, from Toddler through Primary and Elementary, and you'll get a glimpse of what's to come for the Adolescent Program!
Walking in your child's shoes, you will work with some of the materials that enliven your child's mind each day. You may notice how environments change as the children grow. After visiting the classrooms, parents, teachers and the Head of School will gather to discuss and share their experiences.
This is an adult only event and no child care will be available. Limited space is available for the public and enrolled families. RSVP to or call 314-469-7150
"This hands-on experience was enlightening - enjoying the beauty that the teachers have created in the classroom."
"I would absolutely recommend this experience to any current or prospective parents. This gave me a richer understanding of concepts and lessons my children are learning, as well as a deeper understanding of their day-to-day activities."
"The concepts that surprised me the most were the complexities of what, to me as an adult, seem like simple tasks. For example, the flower arranging and dishwashing lessons in the Toddler programs. I was surprised to see how many steps are really involved in these tasks."